Narrative for Lowell General Hospital

As part of Lowell General’s commitment to Patients First and a progressive approach to improving quality and safety for our patients, we welcome the opportunity to display our “nursing sensitive” measures. We plan to use these results to improve our care over time.

In the care that we provide to our patients, we consistently strive to keep patients safe and to prevent falls. All levels of hospital staff have been educated regarding the Joint Commission National Patient Safety goal to reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls. Our hospital-specific falls prevention program keeps the safety of our patients foremost in our minds as we care for them. With our fall prevention plan already in place, we put more focus on patient room location, equipment, and checks by the care team for patients assessed and reassessed as a high fall risk.

In our journey to Zero Harm, we continue to recognize an opportunity to reduce HAPIs. Lowell General's expert wound care nurses craft practice guidelines for the multidisciplinary care teams to follow and prevent further skin breakdown and to treat existing wounds. We have been emphasizing the use of low air loss mattresses, preventative dressings, and consistent collaboration with other departments.

We will continue to measure these and make changes to improve.
10 May 2024