Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care North Shore

Long Term Acute Care
SK 5
Adult Skilled Nursing - Rehabilitation
Variance Info
Current Posted Planned Worked Hours Per Patient Day 5.10
Actual Worked Hours Per Patient Day 4.43
Variance -0.67
% Variance from Budget -13.13%
Reason For +/- 5% Variance From Budget
No explanation required  
Fluctuating day to day census X
Lower daily census than planned  
Higher daily census than planned  
Higher patient care needs than planned  
Lower patient care needs than planned  
Staff vacancies X
Adjusted for patient care needs  
Minimum fixed staffing requirements  
Care delivery model changes  
Increased 1:1 staffing requirements  
Closure of unit  
Not admitting to beds due to staffing  
Increased census to telemetry patients  
Plan based on high needs in critical care  
Increased staff hours to facilitate admissions and discharges  
Change in patient mix  
Other Reasons for +/- 5% Variance
SK 5 which is the skilled unit had a fluctuating census during the summer months due to a decrease in elective surgeries. The Nurse manager adjusts her staffing twice daily based on census, admissions and clinical acuity. If she receives an influx of late admissions it is difficult to readjust the staffing to meet her target. She also had some vacancies which were covered by per diem staff as needed until they were filled.
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