Staffing Reports for Each Massachusetts Hospital:
You can view hospitals by Name or by Group. Hospital groups are organized by hospital type – acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, and long-term acute care hospitals.
You can also click on a hospital name below to be taken to individual pages for that hospital, including units (by name), and staffing plans for each
Each hospital’s staffing reports are compared by unit type to a peer group of like hospitals. However, it is important to remember that every patient
care unit is different, and individual units differ not only based on the type of unit, but also because of the education and experience level of staff
members, support from nurse educators and nurse managers on specific units, as well as the unique characteristics and mission of each hospital. Looking at patient outcomes such as fall rates, pressure ulcer rates, and Hospital Compare measures in the Performance Measures section of PatientCareLink can also
provide helpful additional information.
Click here to see unit sample pages to help you navigate through the pages.


Long Term Acute Care

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