Cape Cod Hospital - 2020 Plans

Please note: MHA and our member hospitals are committed to delivering the most reliable, transparent data on staffing. Due to the extreme and unprecedented challenges that hospitals are facing through the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not possible to accurately capture staffing data representative of 2020 and 2021. Other healthcare authorities across the country have also suspended data collection over the course of the pandemic, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We look forward to resuming regular public posting of staffing plans and data in 2022 and 2023, should circumstances permit.

We welcome any questions about staffing data, which can be directed to Pat Noga, MHA's Vice President of Clinical Affairs at

Click on a hospital unit below to see its 2020 Staffing Reports:

A well-staffed unit is not only defined by the number of caregivers included in the team, but by the carefully chosen members of each team depending upon the needs of each patient and the unit overall.

The “Unit Type” column below contains definitions the hospitals have provided for their floors.

Unit Name Unit Type
Adult Psych Unit Behavioral Health
Critical Care Adult Critical Care - Medical / Surgical Combined
CVICU Adult Critical Care - Cardiothoracic
Mugar 3 Adult Medical / Surgical Combined
Mugar 4 Adult Medical / Surgical Combined
Mugar 5 Adult Medical / Surgical Combined
Mugar 6 Adult Medical / Surgical Combined - Orthopedic
North 3 Adult Medical / Surgical Combined - Cardiac
Pediatrics Pediatrics - Medical / Surgical Combined
South 2 Adult Medical / Surgical Combined
Emergency Department Summer Emergency Department
Emergency Department Winter Emergency Department

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A note on Acronyms: Hospitals name their units in various ways. Some carry the names of the generous benefactors who helped fund them – “Smith 5” or “Adams 2” – while others carry an acronym – ICU (Intensive Care Unit) – explaining the type of care provided in the unit. Others merely contain a location in the hospitals, such as 5 West, or M7. 
Click here for an explanation of these many acronyms.